Making your product rain-wind-waterproof?

A camera that must be mounted once in an awkward location and then endure weather and wind to transmit a continuous stream of data. That's another challenge.

Fortunately, we had made version 1 in-house. And so we were happy to collaborate on the successor.

Traffic safety and
provided for everything.

Version 1 of the MACQ camera has been back throughout the country for years.  That gave us super valuable insights. So the launch of version 2 was heralded by a thorough analysis of the current design, usability, feedback from installers and a benchmark of other cameras that had since come to market.

This camera had to be better than all the others, and themselves.

Ready.. set.. go.

01 / Eruitzien als familie
Analyse, analyse, analyse. Hoe beter ons begrip van de noden, gebruikers en markt, hoe beter we eraan kunnen beantwoorden. De vraag was om qua look and feel in dezelfde familie te blijven met het oudere broertje van de MACQ camera, dus namen we het huidige design onder de loep en kleedden het tot in zijn essentie uit.
02 / Samenwerken als familie
Design en engineering van de nieuwe MACQ verliepen simultaan. De hoeveelheid puzzelstukjes zorgden ervoor dat er veel en korte iteratierondes nodig waren. Dat heeft te maken met de omstandigheden waarin de camera geplaatst wordt. Warmte vraagt om koeling, regen vraagt om waterdichtheid en de montage moet feilloos en dummy-proof zijn.
03 / Testen als familie
Het prototype was een puzzel van technische onderdelen die op een vlotte manier geassembleerd werden. Sommige 3D geprint, andere mechanisch gefreesd of gedraaid . Na meerdere iteratierondes en stylingfases, het nodige over-en-weer en wat vijlwerk is alles gevalideerd en kon de BOM opgemaakt worden.

Grand system design but with fine mechanics.

Installation versus installer

When you assemble something, it should be tight. That's not surprising. But in this particular case, "firmly" was an understatement. The customer's request was that the cameras must be firmly attached without breaking in heavy winds. At the same time, the camera had to be easy to install. Sometimes at great heights, dangling over a motorway or from a bridge, it should preferably go smoothly for the person who has to tighten the screws.


By incorporating a self-locking system, the camera locks itself in place. A torsion spring ensures that the camera is under tension without jamming it - because what doesn't bend, breaks. The small worm gear motor provides a sturdy solution that won't loosen on its own. A principle that we often find in mechanical engineering but could apply here to a smaller scale. 

The right material.

Through and translucent

Sometimes the solution is so simple you would look over it. It was very complex for installers to check that everything was OK once the camera was hung. Until now. We made crucial parts translucent, allowing the installer to verify the electrical connection one last time before completing the installation. Simple and smart.

"It is fun to see how a family of products can emerge when we are allowed to build on the timeless design language we designed years before."

Bart Moeyaert